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The world's best list of limiting beliefs

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The world's best list of limiting beliefs
Dec 24, 2023   199     0.0

The world's best list of limiting beliefs

The reason people have no idea why they sabotage their success is that the limiting beliefs fuelling the self-sabotage reside in their subconscious.

The subconscious is below the surface.

Think of an iceberg. Your conscious mind is the small part of the iceberg above the water. But the subconscious is the 95% of your mind that is below the surface.

Imagine that — 95%.

It's where your beliefs are stored, and these beliefs have been programmed since you were born. It's an amazing supercomputer with decades of programming.

So when your conscious mind needs to make a decision, it dips into your subconscious hard drive and pulls up a bit of your program. If you haven't cleared and cleaned the hard drive of your limiting beliefs, it will pull up damaging programs.

The List of Limiting Beliefs

Here we share the list of limiting beliefs we've assembled, tested, and curated. As you read these, you might think none apply to you — or you might think the wrong ones apply to you.

That's normal.

It's because you've never truly aligned your conscious and subconscious minds. This is why we work with our clients to help them communicate with their subconscious and identify, clear and clean their limiting beliefs.

If you'd like help doing that, you can book a call with me here.

First, we've identified five categories of limiting beliefs:

  1. Yourself
  2. Health
  3. Relationships
  4. Work
  5. Money

And within each category, we've identified 9-15 limiting beliefs...


  • I am not enough
  • I’m not worthy
  • I am too old
  • I’m too young
  • I am not good looking enough
  • I am not smart enough
  • No one will listen to me/what I have to say
  • I always fail, what’s the point in trying
  • I have no idea who I am
  • I’m lazy
  • I’m not smart enough
  • I’m not creative enough
  • I’m too shy
  • Change is too hard
  • Bad things always happen to me


  • I’m not thin enough
  • I’m not big enough
  • I’m too fat
  • I’m too skinny
  • I can’t stick to my workouts
  • I can’t stick to my diet
  • I will never be skinny enough
  • I’ll be happy once I lose weight
  • I am only worth what the scale tells me
  • I don’t have enough time to be healthy
  • Being healthy is expensive
  • It’s too hard
  • What’s the point of trying to be healthy
  • I’m not a gym goer/healthy eater, etc.


  • I am not worthy of being loved
  • All men/women are cheats/liars/selfish
  • I will never find a partner
  • I’ll be alone forever
  • I can’t face rejection
  • There’s no one out there for me
  • Love only leads to heartache
  • Relationships only cause pain
  • I’m happy by myself


  • I have to struggle to be successful at work
  • This job is too hard for me
  • I can’t just quit my job
  • I’m terrible at this job
  • I will never find another job
  • I don’t have the skills that I need
  • My coworkers are so much better then me
  • Someone else has already done it better
  • I’ll never be as good as them
  • I just don’t get paid enough
  • I’m already working my hardest
  • My boss is too hard on me
  • I’ll never like my job
  • There’s nothing else I can do to make money


  • It takes money to make money
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • I never have enough money
  • I am not good with money
  • Money causes arguments and negativity
  • Money will bring me happiness
  • Everything is too expensive
  • I can’t afford to be happy
  • Money brings out the worst in people
  • I have to struggle to make money
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • Money is a limited resource
  • I can be "rich OR happy" / "rich OR healthy"
  • You’re selfish if you want to make a lot of money

Awareness — Then Clearing

The key here is learning to communicate with your subconscious so that you can identify which belief or beliefs are providing resistance to attracting what you want.

Once you become aware of the beliefs, you don't want to "marinate" in them.

You don't want to talk about them ad nauseam and reinforce them.

You want to become aware of them, and work swiftly to clear and clean them.

There are several tools we teach our clients to identify and then clear and clean them (and, no, it's not just hollow positive affirmations and self-talk).

These tools are designed to help you move the negative energy out of your body, and they are unique and probably different than anything you've tried before.

But, as a client told me last week, "I don’t think I’ve ever been at a point in my life where I am more open to learn than right now."

If the same things you've been doing and trying aren't leading to different results, it's because your underlying beliefs are fueling thoughts and actions that are leading you to the results you don't want.

So if you're ready and open to learn how I can help you dissolve the limiting beliefs that are blocking your life of joy, fulfillment, and freedom, let's get on a call and chat.

Because, remember...

You are not your beliefs...

But you do become what you believe.

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