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Counseling for Depression

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Counseling for Depression

Counseling for Depression

Depression affects people in a variety of different ways. It’s not just about feeling sad. It can have an impact on your body, mood, behavior, and thoughts. As well as low mood, depression symptoms can include feeling very tearful, irritable, or angry, losing interest in things you previously enjoyed, or feeling tired and having less energy. You may also lose concentration, self-confidence, appetite, and motivation.

Depression can leave people feeling like they are isolated but at the same time, they want to hide away from others. They feel hopeless and think that other people don’t like them. Some of the symptoms are more unexpected such as unexplained aches or pains. If you have any of these symptoms regularly over a two-week period, it’s best to go to see your general practitioner. It can be common for people with depression to have symptoms of anxiety too.

How Counseling Can help?? 

A counselor will listen to you without judging you. They can help you explore your feelings, acknowledge them and accept them. They can also support you to find your own ways to cope with what you are going through – and suggest different strategies and self-care techniques. There may be a bit of challenge in there too. As a therapist, it’s about being mindful of the person’s language and challenging their negative thoughts where appropriate. Self-acceptance is really important. A counselor can help you with that.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t feel guilty for having a pyjama day. The more you try to stop depression the more it can suffocate you.

There are different types of therapy that may help you in different ways.

  • Interpersonal therapy can help understand your relationships with different people and if they are affecting you positively or negatively.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help you manage your depression by changing the way you think and behave.
  • Person-centred and psychodynamic therapies can help you discover and explore the root cause of your depression and regain your self-confidence.

The important thing is for you to find out what works best for you. It’s best for you to come to your own conclusions. Everybody is different.